Friday 17 January 2014

Age in Reverse?

vitamin c serum
Everyone wants to look young and beautiful regardless of their true age. We eat healthily, exercise and try as hard as possible to create our own world of youth.  But as we really know it, time is unstoppable and the truth is we all will age.

The passage of time is obvious on every one of us. We are no longer babies. We have gained more height maybe more weight and our facial features would also have changed from that of the wide-eyed innocent to the hopefully wise and mature adult.

Time will leave its mark on all of us. We are exposed to the natural elements –sun, rough winds and harsh winters and these elements scar our skin.  Our skin will lose its rosy, youthful appearance and even develop wrinkles and become overly dry.

The face is the first part of the body that is mostly seen and is also the first to get damaged by the elements.  Deep lines are formed around the eyes, the corners of the mouth and even in the centre of the forehead. We would like to think that we are developing “character lines” or “laugh lines” that show that we have been living lives that are full and engaging. But the truth is that we are just showing our age - wear and tear of our feeble parts.

Is it vanity to want to put your best face forward? Youth and beauty are very attractive elements, they make the holder of such elements feel included and loved. Everyone wants to feel included and loved and will do whatever it takes. So maybe getting back the rosiness in our checks, removing the lines from our eyes and having our skin look and feel soft and smooth will put us back on track to being accepted and thought of as young and beautiful.

Can we return to being young and beautiful after time has etched its marks on our body and face? Would it be worth it to be seen as youthful when we have a mature outlook on life? We each have to satisfy our own comforts and love the face and body that we see in the mirror. There is no requirement that says your age must be tattooed on your face and body. There is no age tag issued after reaching 45 that must be worn around one’s neck. If you can shake off the signs of aging then go right ahead.

There are simple products on the market that can help us to put back the healthy, shiny glow to our skins. Using Vitamin C serum is the favoured and popular method to replenish the skin. Aging reduces the collagen production in the skin which causes the skin to lose its elasticity. The use of Vitamin C serum revs up the collagen production which leads to the skin regaining elasticity and then it starts looking plump and glowing.

In effect, the signs of aging have been reversed leaving a new, younger looking you.

Click here for more beauty tips

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